Photo: Isa Klee, Uprooted - Habitat, Stahl-Eberhard Garden, 2024





Uprooted - Smart City Walk from the perspective of house sparrows, wall lizards, vines and coltsfoot
with Isa Klee
Meeting point: Historischer Wasserturm, Waagner Biro Straße/ Ausgang Hauptbahnhof
Saturday 06.07.2024, 15:00 – 17:00


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How can we shape the city together as a biophilic habitat? How much space are we willing to give to other species and how can we build relationships with these species?

At the beginning of 2024, artist Isa Klee and her congeners took part in a days-long collective rescue operation to save plants, animals, soil, infrastructure and humus from the Green Lab fallow. This area is currently being built on and sealed, meaning that the creatures living there have lost their habitat and the objects used have lost their usefulness.

The rescued plants, insects and objects have now found a precarious new home in the nearby industrial area between concrete and warehouses - the Stahl-Eberhardt-Garten. The endangered industrial site turns out to be a habitat for sparrows and a last refuge for endangered species in the new Smart City district.

The discursive walk leads to places of urban development in Smart City Graz and allows visitors to participate in current processes of displacement and change. It raises the question of space utilisation and urban planning from a (more-than-)human perspective: To what extent do humans, sparrows and wall lizards have the same needs and demands for space?
